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Showing posts from July, 2017

Dark to Light

Oh my! this thing has been on my brain for two days. I already had another post but it is still sitting in draft. I have been waking up 30 minutes before my alarm every morning (the struggle). When I wake up 30 minutes early it is still dark outside. I thought that I had at least three plus hours to sleep and when I look  ...umm, no. So I used the time wisely and began to pray and I was so amazed  how God can turn the midnight into day in a matter of seconds. I have been praying to God about a lot of things and I began to hear a soft voice say that's how fast I do miracles. While you and I are still praying for something God has already turned our midnight into day. Color the world!

Broken, But Not In The Same Place

Some of us are more broken than others. Some of us are broken and unaware that we are broken. We are broken but maybe not in the same place. If you have children then you know some crayons are broken right in half as soon as the crayons leave the box. Just like some of us, we may have been broken as soon as we left the box (the womb). Some of us had to endure being broken as children. Having to hear we will never become..., or feeling unwanted, etc. You get the point. Some of us were broken in the middle stages or late stages in life. Those are the crayons that children just like to break the pointy part off and you see the longest part with the little crayons that you can barely distinguish what it is laying around. But nevertheless we are all broken. Today, I learned a valuable lesson that no matter where we are broken, we are still broken. We should not judge the broken on their brokenness or on where they are broken. Because my brokenness is not where yours is doesn't make yo

It Is Not Just You!

You think you are the only one that's broken, that's a mess? You are not !             Sometimes, we think God is isolating us but I don't believe that God isolates us to let us stay isolated. Sometimes the devil will isolate us to have our mind, because if he has our mind then he has pretty much won the battle.  We sit alone and start to believe that we are the only one  that's ever been through something, and that everyone is against us, my pain is worse than their pain. But I have learned it is how you react to the pain that makes other broken crayons able to be used by God and he molds them into a masterpiece. I am reminded of a project on Pinterest where they take broken crayons and place them in a mold then place them in the oven (the heat). When it is taken out  of the oven behold something that looks new, a masterpiece. We (broken crayons) have to go into the heat (experience, trial, struggles, etc.) to come out and become  masterpieces. I have been throug
Today is the first day of my blog. I was very reluctant of starting this blog I didn't know what to name it. I felt so hurt in my spirit and needed an outlet. I had been dealing and wrestling with God about this.  I heard a voice say start a blog. God this cannot be you, start a blog? I know nothing about starting a blog, only that I had created one in college and never added any content. I just did it as a grade. Then, God what is this blog going to be named? And Broken Crayons kept ringing in my heart and mind. It seem as though everyday for the last couple of weeks my youngest daughter has been having broken crayons everywhere, and I would throw them away. But we may be broken crayons and just like I was throwing the crayons away, some family members or friends have thrown you and I away but God doesn't throw away the broken, he uses them. Today we start this journey together. I have a voice and I have something to tell the world. I want God to get the glory out of my life